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Gina Calvert

2 min read

Switching Giving Systems? How to Retain Your Recurring Gifts

The #1 fear pastors have about switching giving systems is LOSING RECURRING GIFTS. Is this a legitimate concern?

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2 min read

Paypal: A Top Church Giving Software? V2-update

“Top Online Giving Software” articles can provide an excellent starting point for giving software seekers. But how comprehensive and reliable are...

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Woman pressing

1 min read

Upgrading Your Giving System: Why “LATER” isn’t Better

When Leonard Bernstein said, “To achieve great things, two things are needed: a PLAN and NOT QUITE ENOUGH TIME,” he was surely talking about churches...

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girl giving 5-star review on her phone

3 min read

The Best Ever Church Year-End Annual Report

Everybody is familiar with the annual church year-end report. These reports are usually full of stats and updates on various ministries and projects...

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2 min read

The Most Important Year-End Giving Ask for Churches

December is historically a big month for donations. 30% of charitable gifts are given this month and 10% are given during the last 3 days of the...

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calendar close up with red pushpin

Grow Recurring Giving: Campaign Checklist

Recurring giving is the short-term lifeblood of a church’s funding. As an organization that relies on free will gifts, it can be difficult to plan...

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droplets falling into deep blue water, with ripples spreading out

2 min read

How to Partner with Impact-driven Givers in 2024

Every giver wants to know they’re making an impact when they donate. But some givers take this desire to the next level...and beyond.

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calendar and clock

2 min read

Surprise! Best Time for a Giving Switch

There never seems to be a perfect time to make a software switch, but you might be surprised at what’s possible...and optimal!

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2 min read

How Householding Helps Churches Understand Real Giving Patterns

Have you ever received multiple pieces of identical mail—addressed to different family members? That’s just one effect when householding, (a.k.a....

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someone putting a dollar in a church offering plate

1 min read

Your Most Valuable Gift This Year? A Test Gift in Your Online Giving Platform

Have you ever given a gift to your church through your online giving solution for the sole purpose of evaluating the givers' experience? You should....

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