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NURTURE THE HABIT OF GIVING With a Generosity Rockstar Program

NURTURE THE HABIT OF GIVING With a Generosity Rockstar Program

Does growing generosity feel hard? If so, close your eyes for a moment, take a deep breath and imagine “Easy.” 

Picture the possibility that growing generosity in your church could be easier than you think. It can be if you clearly understand how to grow generosity in a person, with a step-by-baby-step plan.


nervous about moneyREGULAR Giving is Emotional and Overwhelming

You can’t do much about the economy, the cost of living or unexpected bills. But there are things and behaviors you can influence.

You see, giving away money is an emotional act that can easily trigger FUD (fear, uncertainty and doubt) in your members (in much the same way imagining “easy” may have conjured up many difficult scenarios for you.) And your well-meaning encouragement to give to the church can unintentionally add guilt on top of those feelings.

What if there was a tangible way you could take the negative emotions out of the picture, remove the barriers to getting started, and start thinking of growing generosity the way you’d develop any skill or habit…by breaking it into smaller chunks?


generosity rockstart certificateHow SOME CHURCHES Turn Givers into Rockstars

Some churches use the principles of micro-productivity to grow what they call Generosity Rockstars.

Micro-productivity is simply breaking a larger project down into smaller to-dos or incremental steps that are not intimidating. We all use this technique with our children, students, employees and ourselves to remove the overwhelming prospect of a big task and accomplish more than seems possible at first.


What Is a Generosity Rockstar?

A Generosity Rockstar is someone who loves and their church and commits to give generously to God through their church. The best and easiest way to become a Generosity Rockstar is to give weekly through an online, recurring, or scheduled donation. Some suggest $20/week to start but even $1/week should qualify. Rockstars could receive a certificate or a special coin as a reminder of their commitment.

It’s not at all about how much the church receives. The idea is that planned incremental giving can motivate givers to take the first step toward:

  • Learning to trust God with their finances
  • Experiencing the blessings the Bible promises when we live out a life of generosity
  • Eventually becoming a tither (for the same reasons)

New-Deadly-Sins-thumbnailVision2 Online Giving enables programs like this with a flexible recurring giving feature and by removing the top 5 barriers that cause hesitant givers to drop off before completing their gifts.

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