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Measuring Stewardship: Thinking Beyond Giving Data (Part 2)

Measuring Stewardship: Thinking Beyond Giving Data (Part 2)

In our previous discussion, we explored the challenges of measuring stewardship beyond financial contributions. Now, let’s dive deeper into specific aspects to track and consider when evaluating the impact of your financial discipleship program.

What to Measure


Initial Participation and Attrition

  1. Attendance at Sessions: How many sessions did participants attend? Tracking attendance provides insights into engagement levels. Did attendees complete the entire program or drop out early? If they dropped out, find out why to understand if it was related to the program or unexpected life events.
  2. Program Completion: Did participants complete the entire program? Understanding completion rates helps gauge commitment and interest.
  3. Reasons for Attrition: Why did some participants stop attending? Investigate reasons—was it scheduling conflicts, lack of interest, or other factors?
  4. Written Plans: Did participants create written plans for saving, budgeting, debt resolution, and tithing? These plans reflect practical application.
  5. Heart Change and Spiritual Impact: Was there a heart change? Did the program lead participants closer to God? Look for transformation beyond financial behavior.

Continuance of Their Stewardship Journey

  1. Achievement of Goals:  Did participants achieve their saving, budgeting, and debt resolution targets? Tangible progress matters.
  2. Consistent Tithing: Regular giving reflects commitment.
  3. Spiritual Growth:  Is their relationship with God continuing to grow?  Stewardship isn't just about money, it's about discipleship.

Spin-Offs and Additional Steps

Did participants engage in spin-offs from the program? Examples include meeting with a financial coach or setting up a will.


Building an Effective Member Survey

When designing your survey, consider the following:

  1. Timing: Survey participants at the end of the program and then annually for the next 5 years. Long-term insights matter.
  2. Member-Centric Questions: Focus on the individual, not just the program. Ask about personal experiences and growth.
  3. Behavioral Metrics: Measure behaviors that impact spiritual growth. Go beyond satisfaction ratings.
  4. Success Targets: Define what success looks like for your program. Is it solely financial, or does it encompass transformed lives?
  5. Multi-Campus Considerations: Account for differences across campuses if your church has multiple locations.
  6. Response Format: Use multiple-choice or yes/no questions, with room for open-ended responses when necessary.

Remember, the structure of your questions matters. Instead of asking a generic “Was the program impactful for you?” consider specific inquiries that yield actionable insights. Let’s measure wisely, learn intentionally, and continue nurturing faithful stewards within our congregations. 

Click here If you didn't have an opportunity to read part 1.
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