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Navigating the Path to Stewardship Growth (Part 1)

Navigating the Path to Stewardship Growth (Part 1)

In a world where economic uncertainty and declining church attendance challenge the fabric of faith communities, stewardship and generosity become critical pillars. Vision2 and the Christian Stewardship Network recognized this urgency and embarked on their second annual joint Stewardship Survey. The results, now compiled into a comprehensive report, offer valuable insights for churches navigating these turbulent waters.

This blog series dives into the five key recommendations outlined in the report. Before diving into the first recommendation, we will set the stage with some key insights.


Stewardship vs Generosity: Unpacking the Distinction

Stewardship and generosity intertwine, yet they diverge in their essence. Beyond mere financial transactions, they encompass broader principles:

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  1. Stewardship: At its core, stewardship involves managing what you retain. In the context of the survey, it signifies the church’s financial discipleship—how it guides its members in handling resources.
  2. Generosity: This extends beyond dollars and cents. It’s about managing what you give. For the survey, we specifically refer to generosity as consistent giving by individuals to the church.

To foster a holistic understanding, churches should explore both dimensions. Stewardship encompasses time, talent, and treasure, while generosity delves into matters of the heart. It’s not merely about dollars; it’s about devotion which leads us to the next takeaway.


Key Teachings for Growing a Stewardship Culture

  1. Ownership vs. Stewardship: Obedient owners view the tithe (10%) as the sole portion God cares about. In contrast, love-inspired stewards recognize that everything they possess belongs to God. Their commitment extends beyond a fraction—it encompasses their entire lives.
  2. Giving as a Spiritual Act: The act of giving transcends the individual and the church. It’s a sacred exchange between the believer and God. Tithes and offerings flow through the church, not to meet its needs, but as an offering to the divine.

Recommendation #1: Prioritize Stewardship

While generosity may yield short-term boosts in giving, a robust financial discipleship strategy lays the groundwork for sustained, consistent generosity. Healthy growth emerges from nurturing a culture of stewardship. Here’s how:

  1. Variety in Approach: Reach out to both givers and non-givers using diverse methods. Tailor messages to resonate with different hearts.
  2. Education and Discipleship: Equip congregants with financial wisdom. Teach them to manage resources faithfully, recognizing God’s ownership.
  3. Long-Term Vision: Prioritize stewardship as an investment in the future. A thriving culture of generosity begins with intentional discipleship.

As churches embrace these principles, they pave the way for vibrant stewardship, ensuring that faith communities flourish even amid challenges. 

Be sure to stay tuned for parts 2-5 coming shortly.  👉click here to access the entire survey report in the interim.
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