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Personalized Giving: A Warm Touch for Trust

Personalized Giving: A Warm Touch for Trust

When we talk with churches about their online giving experience, we frequently find that it is viewed in the context of “software” rather than as an important tool that serves the church AND its members. In these conversations, we encourage a deeper dive into their members’ giving experience. More often than not, they find workflows that impede generosity and result in gift abandonment due to security concerns.There are 3.4 billion phishing attempts daily

One of the most overlooked aspects of the giving experience is the acknowledgment. When it comes to giving, it’s a profoundly personal decision. And yet, credit card processors (think Square or PayPal) can’t support customized thank-you emails from your church. Instead, your givers receive a generic acknowledgment email from an unknown domain, leaving them wondering if they have been scammed or tricked by a phishing attempt.

In addition to building security and trust with your members, customized acknowledgments achieve several vital goals:

  1. Clarity: Givers won’t wonder if their gift was received—they’ll know.
  2. Appreciation: Personalized messages make givers feel valued and inspire future generosity.
  3. Meaningful Interaction: The thank you is elevated from a transactional receipt to a customized engagement opportunity.

Remember, a little personal touch goes a long way in building trust and fostering community within your church.  Check out our blog, Personalization: The Secret of Giver Connection, for more insights.

Why Givers Shouldn’t Be Able to See Your Third-Party Giving Vendor

Why Givers Shouldn’t Be Able to See Your Third-Party Giving Vendor

This is part 2 of our 11 Commandments of Online Giving series.

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How Most Church Online Giving Platforms Drive Givers Away

How Most Church Online Giving Platforms Drive Givers Away

Online giving can be convenient, but most churches don't realize the potential most solutions have for breaking trust with your givers.

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Free Tips and #GivingTuesday Resources for Churches

Free Tips and #GivingTuesday Resources for Churches

On December 1, GivingTuesday will attract the generosity of the entire world. Though nonprofits of all types may seem to take center stage, data...

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