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Thought Leadership on Church Giving and Financial Stewardship

Back Office (4)

2 min read

What’s the Big Deal About “Embedded” GIVE Buttons?

You may have heard about embedded GIVE buttons and giving forms (versus those that are simply placed on your church website). But the concept may...

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2 min read

Your Giving Data Knows Your Givers. Do you?

Churches have been collecting giving data on members and guests for years. But what are they doing with all that information?

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freeway exit sign for Easy Street

2 min read

Reconciliation Day: From Dreaded to “No Sweat”

Ready to eliminate the nightmare of reconciliation day? There’s finally a solution: Auto Reconciliation.

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woman giving online with credit card

3 min read

Online Giving Tools for Parishes and Dioceses

Online giving tools for parishes and dioceses help bridge generational gaps and parishioner expectations. Plus they offer a variety of benefits to...

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lego superman with red cape

3 min read

How Church I.T. Directors Can Be the Hero of Their Finance Team

You're a miracle-worker, but even you can’t solve the challenges of non-integrated solutions that can’t do what the team needs.

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2 min read

How To Do More Than Just Survive Church Giving Statement Season

Giving statement season (a.k.a. January and February) is a tough way to start a new year of ministry.

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2 min read

Do You Really Need Church Data Analytics?

[This is the final post in our How to Bring Your Church Back Office to the Future series. View Part 1 here]

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1 min read

Get More Than Giving Software “Support”…Gain a Partner

In many circles, “support” has come to mean leaving a voicemail and hearing excuses when you have a problem.

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1 min read

What Your Self-Service Giving Portal Should Offer Givers

Back offices of the future don’t just offer a self-service giving portal. They offer a portal that actually serves not only givers, but also staff.

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1 min read

True Giving and ChMS Integration is Bidirectional and in Real Time

There are lots of claims out there about giving and ChMS integration. But how are they defining “integration”? Here’s what we mean by it.

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