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Vision2 is Inspired by Love and Generosity

Vision2 is Inspired by Love and Generosity

Most conversations about online giving for churches start with how to motivate generosity in church members and attendees.

At Vision2, ours starts here: Because He First Loved Us.

The only thing that ever motivates true and lasting change is grace, which means an undeserved gift. Long before God asked his people to be generous, he modeled love and generosity on the grandest scale.

That’s why giving a gift is what drives us.

We know we don’t have the silver bullet for motivating your non-givers to become generous—no donation software does. Our job is to provide tools that support churches in nurturing their givers along the path to generosity. To make it significantly easier for church leaders’ and their staff to manage the church’s funds. To pay forward the spirit of generosity we’ve been shown and let the Spirit take it from there.

How can a business be motivated by love?

In recent years, an unlikely word has increasingly filtered into business conversations: LOVE.

Serving the bottom line has been the business world’s modus operandi for a while, but as organizations are moving toward greater connection with their customers, consumers are voting with their wallets. What was once the domain primarily of the church – operating out of love – is slowly shifting our economy in surprising ways.

For some organizations, love is seen through a charitable focus, like TOMS, donating a pair of shoes for every pair purchased. For others, love is demonstrated through bold decisions, like CVS risking billions in sales by removing cigarettes from their stores because they care about peoples’ health. With love at the core, both of these organizations and many others, including Apple, Whole Foods, and Zappos, have prospered with this human-first approach.

For Vision2’s creator, Carl Tierney, it was love for the church and a desire to help it do more than focus on itself that led to the creation of something entirely different.

But is love enough?

In an article entitled What’s Love Got to Do With Business?, Wendy Lea, CEO of Get Satisfaction says that “When your connection to a mission or idea is so strong that it inspires you to take risks, your company can soar, and your customers benefit.” (Source)

She could have been talking about Carl Tierney and Vision2.

Carl is a committed believer with a background in technology. He found himself growing more and more frustrated with the way churches and nonprofits were treated by software organizations.

Vision2 (both the organization and our online giving platform) was built from the ground up to incorporate every aspect of Carl’s vision, including:

  • His deep knowledge of and concern for the challenges churches face
  • His vision for enabling churches to better extend generosity to their community (which starts by changing the way they grow generosity internally)
  • His technical expertise to understand the reasons behind the gaps in existing technology and build a solution that goes far beyond processing payments and managing gifts
  • His unique financial strategy and willingness to take risks to eliminate traditional limits in giving platforms
  • His commitment to embed generosity into every business practice
  • His collaboration and beta testing with one of the largest churches in the US (hint: Saddleback)

This passion, expertise and connection to his mission enabled him to step out into risky territory.

Loving, and Giving, Without Limits

For the typical ministry leader, technology isn’t where your expertise lies. When you’re comparing online giving platforms, it can be hard to make sense of what’s available and what’s best for your church.

Unfortunately, all industries include vendors whose business practices reveal a greater focus on their bottom line than on the church. You don’t have to look too closely to find the ones that indicate a motive other than love or generosity.

But that’s the exception.

Vision2 is not the first or the only online giving platform created for the church. Other solutions were built by believers who sincerely want to serve the church, and who seek to do so to the best of their ability with a quality product at a fair price. That’s important and makes doing business together easier. But without the right combination of risk, investment, financial ingenuity and technical expertise to innovate, those platforms all do pretty much the same thing in pretty much the same way. That includes imposing limits that hinder generosity.

Giving-Without-Limits-thumbnailThe risks Carl took and the significant investment he made to create a new and entirely unique model of operating gives Vision2 innovative features no other platform has, without the limits every other platform has.

Learn more about Vision2’s approach to Giving Without Limits.

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