Church Giving and Stewardship Blog | Vision2

Connected Online Giving for Catholic Churches

Written by Gina Calvert | March 7, 2022

Looking for online giving software for ONE organization can be a challenge.

But looking for ONE solution that will work across many types and sizes of organizations that are all connected in a unique way? That’s nearly impossible.

Until now.

Today Catholic churches, parishes and dioceses (and other connected church bodies, like multi-campus churches) can manage online and offline giving individually — and corporately — with the only comprehensive giving and stewardship solution available: Vision2.

Unique Hierarchical Structures Require Robust Customizable Solutions

Even within a consistent structure of a diocese overseeing parishes overseeing churches, a lot of unique situations can exist:

  • Parishes come in all sizes. And within parishes, some churches may be tiny and “unplugged,” not even offering online giving. Others may be large and thriving, with an activities roster as complex as a college’s.
  • A diocese may want comprehensive financial data rolled up from the parishes within one system for uniformity of data reporting.
  • Parishes may want to control their own financial management and automate their diocese payment, configured to include only contributory revenue. They may be looking for ways to include data in their diocese roll-up report from non-participatory churches.
  • Some need autonomy and control, others need visibility access.

These challenges require a robust management platform that connects giving function and data in customized ways across ANY configuration of organizations within a hierarchy.

These challenges require Vision2, comprehensive online giving for Catholic churches.

Each Organization’s Needs Met

A system that connects across organizations is only as good as the value it brings to each organization. A comprehensive system should:

  • Cover every aspect of giving
  • Automate everything from start to finish
  • Manage all the complexities to give you true simplicity at every point
  • Function as a full-service extension of your team

It should provide …

For Givers

  • Tailored giving designations and personalized acknowledgements that inspire generosity
  • Embedded giving forms on your websites and all communications from your church, parish or diocese (and not a third-party giving vendor), to reduce gift abandonment and build trust
  • Robust, simple self-service portal that lets givers manage personal information, including recurring gifts and pledges

For Support Staff

  • Comprehensive online and offline giving and automated reconciliation, including reversals
  • Detailed subledger with GL output tailored to your accounting solution and chart of accounts
  • Bidirectional, real-time synchronization with your parish management solution or ChMS
  • Full-service team of accounting, design, content and technical experts do the heavy lifting wherever you need it
  • No monthly fees, giving limits or velocity limits

For Leaders

  • Flexible analytics and detailed reporting for a ministry-first approach to giving through targeted-action follow-ups
  • Customized, auto-published dashboards delivered via email or text
  • Actionable data for proactive oversight and forecasting of financial health at every organizational level
  • Tools to support financial discipleship

One Size Solution Fitted for All

Vision2 is more than software; we are your partner. Our team of accounting, design, content and technology experts stands always ready to help with any aspect of your giving. We’ll even handle backoffice contributions management for non-participating churches within your parish.

Through a common access portal and customized roll-up data, all permissioned stakeholders at any level of your diocese or parish can be on the same page with visibility into the data they need.