Church Giving and Stewardship Blog | Vision2

Expecting a Give Button to Increase Generosity

Written by Gina Calvert | June 3, 2020

If "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results," maybe it's time to ask if your 'Give' button is engaging your givers.

Your giving provider said, “Place our ‘Give’ button on your church website and we’ll take care of the rest.”

And it just works … or does it?

Yes, a few more people may have signed up to give online but has the total amount given to the church actually increased?

Surprisingly, no one really stopped to question the effectiveness of the “Give” button … until now.

Where Does your Give Button Take Potential Givers?

When a potential giver clicks on your GIVE button are they whisked away to another organization’s website to complete their gift? Surely the giver wonders … Where am I? Should I trust this new site?

Being asked to enter their payment information on an unfamiliar site creates doubt about the security of their transaction, erodes trust, and creates friction in a process that is already fraught with emotion. No online shopping site could be successful with this tactic.

Yet this is exactly what many churches do every day, and they’re collectively losing millions of dollars in gifts. Imagine the good the Church could do with all of those extra resources!

23% Increase in Giving is a Reality, Not a Dream

Studies show that 83% of the people who visit their website left without making a donation. But why?

Vision2 analyzed the world’s most successful non-profit organizations and found 5 key reasons givers abandon their gift. We then incorporated best practice solutions for each one into our Online Giving platform built specifically for churches.

Vision2 provides an entirely new solution to an old problem, that actually delivers measurable results (an anything but average 23% increase in digital gifts in the first 12 months).

PLUS: We do so with no monthly or annual fees and no limits on giving. Imagine what you could do with all of those extra funds.

Have questions? Reach out here.