Church Giving and Stewardship Blog | Vision2

Church I.T. Directors Can Be the Finance Team Hero

Written by Gina Calvert | February 9, 2022

You're a miracle-worker, but even you can’t solve the challenges of non-integrated solutions that can’t do what the team needs.

Church I.T. directors work hard to keep their church’s computer network operating at peak performance. But sometimes the burden of doing the same for your finance team’s various software solutions also falls to you.

If you’ve been tasked with evaluating different giving solutions, we’d like to share 4 ways Vision2 is perfect not just for the finance team, but for YOU, the church I.T. director.

Vision2: Best for IT Directors


Church I.T. Directors Don’t Have to Manage Vision2 Implementation

We’ll start with implementation because...

A) that’s where it all begins and...

B) with some systems and teams, a lot of the work of switching solutions seems to fall to the church I.T. director.

With Vision2, the only comprehensive giving and stewardship solution for churches, you can practically sit this one out. You’re off the hook. There’s no customizing the back end or configuring the new user interface. And forget about tedious data conversion.

Why? Because online giving is complex behind the scenes. And we know the only way to make it simple for users is to do the complex things ourselves.

So our implementation team does all the heavy lifting to make switching software as seamless as possible.

We Created Single Sign-on for I.T. Directors

Multiple sign-on for the finance team isn’t just inconvenient for staff, it comes with security risks.

Our SSO authorization provides centralized control of user access. You can rest easy knowing that your users will have a highly secure online experience when using Vision2. (And you'll spend less time resetting passwords!)

PLUS: Your members and givers can use their current login to either Vision2 or your ChMS to access either system!

Vision2 Integrates and Automates the Finance Back Office

A huge challenge for church finance teams is working with different software solutions that don’t integrate seamlessly.

  • How do they get data from the giving solution to the ChMS (and back)?
  • How much work is it for the finance team to reconcile transactions?
  • How does giving data make its way to the accounting solution?

Typically these are dreaded, laborious processes, and when administrators get stuck, who do they call?

Even worse, many systems consist of cobbled-together solutions that don’t have native integrations, which puts financial data at risk. Vision2 streamlined and automated secure integrations by creating:

These are game changers for the finance team … and thus, for you. The finance team also gets help in a variety of other ways, such as:

Vision2 Reduces Your Workload

Best of all for I.T. directors, as we’ve mentioned several times, if the finance team has questions about any of Vision2’s processes, they don’t call I.T. They call us.

If they want changes made to content on their giving page or more GIVE buttons on the church’s website or social media, it’s so easy they can do it without your help. But if for some reason they can’t, they call us.

We automate all transactions to the penny every day, but if anything ever looks amiss, they don’t call you, they call us. We leverage 100% cloud technologies to enhance both speed and keeping our tech cutting-edge.

How does all this make you the hero? Because...

A) You've streamlined your workload.

B) When you recommend Vision2’s open, best-in-class system with native integrations to the major ChMS and alignment with accounting platforms, you’ve...

  • Seriously simplified giving and stewardship management for them.
  • Protected your givers' data
  • Helped increase generosity for your church.

When you introduce them to Vision2, you’re the hero whose praises they'll sing.

Have questions? Send us a message. We’d love to chat.