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Imagine if You Removed Church Giving Barriers

Imagine if You Removed Church Giving Barriers

Brain scientists say that the ability to imagine can influence our every action and open us up to creative ideas.

So, if giving at your church is on your mind and you could use some creative ideas, take a moment to imagine with us. Picture the faces of your attendees this Sunday. The sad ones. The angry ones. The lonely ones. The grateful ones. Even the guilty ones.

Watch as a nerve is touched by a sentence in a sermon, a verse of a song, or compassion for the community during the pandemic. Not being able to gather has reminded them how important the church is in their life. Each person decides to act on that impulse of gratitude by giving a financial gift.

Now picture those dozens, hundreds or thousands of unexpected gifts funding your community food pantry for the rest of the year. Parents who’ve fallen on hard times would always find what they need to keep their families fed, all because generosity that was sparked was actually carried out.

What Squelches Generous Impulses?

When we’re moved, our first thought is generally benevolent. Someone crosses our mind and we think, “I should call her.” Received an unexpected favor? “I should send a thank you note.” A friend’s fundraiser is about to end? “I should donate.”

Yet we often fail to take action. What stops us?

Sometimes, it’s simply a lack of follow-through. We get busy. We forget. Other times, a barrage of doubts interrupts our generous intention with reasons to ignore it. “She didn’t call me when I was sick.” Or “I have this bill coming due.” Or the usual “I don’t have time right now.” A 2-second mental argument chokes the impulse. And the moment is gone.

This is true for charitable giving, too. On any given Sunday, giving potential is theoretically 100% of your members and guests. Subtract as many as 50% due to lack of resources or commitment to the church. Subtract another 25% because people are busy and easily distracted. Out of the remainder, givers have dozens of internal and external potential barriers to giving a gift.

When it comes to online giving, data shows you’ll end up with fewer than 20% who follow through with their intention to give.

How Can I Remove Giving Barriers?

Maybe all this imagining has inspired a sermon on the joy of saying Yes and Amen to generous impulses. Or maybe you’re starting to ponder your givers’ barriers to giving and how many you can influence.

Here are just a few to consider:

  1. Help givers take the first step to tithing with a Generosity Rockstar challenge they can start with as little as $20 per week. (You’ll literally grow generosity from infancy to maturity in nongivers.)
  2. Learn the well-known barriers to online gift completion and the easy fixes. (You’ll see an average 23% digital giving lift in the first year. )
  3. Steward your flock with Bible-based financial guidance, such as Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University. (80% of givers have no debt. Source)

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