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The importance of merging church membership information with financial data

The importance of merging church membership information with financial data

Financial data is important, but without people data, the picture is incomplete.

In order to help us build and shape our church, we must track membership activity both in giving and participation. Creating a healthy community of believers is a primary goal for any church. As we grow the church, our analytics produce different results than those in the business world but our ability to evaluate the health of both our members and our finances is paramount to the success of the church.

It’s common knowledge for business owners that tracking and measuring performance is essential for growing a company. The same holds true for churches.

Metrics are an objective way to measure the health of a church. However, isolating one metric, such as attendance is like calculating your height and declaring yourself healthy. The best way to get an overall view of a church’s financial health is connecting the dots between the church membership system and the financial data.

By applying operational data and non-financial performance metrics to the financial information, you broaden the view for the decision makers.

Forecasting has become much more popular amongst growing churches. When it comes to collecting contributions, there is the ebb and flow (ups and downs) during weeks of the month and months of the year. Identifying these trends is one step in the right direction. But more importantly, creating benchmarks, like average gift per attendee, brings more credence to the forecast.

Most, if not all churches, have a “scorecard” or “record log” of all attendance and weekly giving from the beginning of the church to current day. Dollars collected, membership growth and number of visitors are a few key elements of this document, usually stored inside a huge Excel workbook. What if you took the counts of the total dollars, total members or total visitors and combed it with budgetary commitments? By showing a correlation between your mission effectiveness and your financial stewardship, your overall view expands. Let’s take it one step further: By gathering the data and creating trends over time, you are able to develop cash flows and project initiatives that match your future visionary goals.

How important is it for a church to analyze the data? Don’t get me wrong, faith decisions are made all the time in church. But I am reminded of the parable found in Luke 12:35-48. In this parable of the faithful steward, Jesus teaches on the important of being prepared and watchful.

The list below contains some of the most common metrics used to keep a finger on the pulse of your church’s stability.

People Metrics

  • Members / Attendees
    • Turnover
    • Headcounts
    • By Age
  • Volunteers
    • Volunteer to Staff ratio
  • Small Group Involvement
  • First Time Guests
  • Baptisms

Financial Metrics

  • Attendance vs. Giving
    • Forecast based on new attendees against seasoned givers
    • Average gift per attendee per week
  • Is your back door wide open?
    • Donor churn rate
  • Seasoned Givers
    • Last gift received date
    • Has there been an increase in giving per household year over year?
  • Staff cost ratio to over-all budget
    • By department or ministry
  • Debt Service percentage of total giving

Managing data should not consume all of your time. At the end of the day, we are about growing the church and changing lives. We cannot do this if we are buried in Excel spreadsheets. Some key suggestions:

  • Make sure you have the proper tools to streamline data tracking and enable current, accurate data.
  • Take advantage of today’s technology.
  • Choose accounting and financial management tools that allow you to automate reports and set up tailored dashboards with simple data visualization to quickly identify trends.
  • Make sure your church management software and your accounting software can integrate or combine data so that you don’t have to be a wizard in Excel.

Don’t let the frustration of data management prevent you from tracking important visionary planning metrics.

*Written by Tammy Bunting, Former Director for Not-for-Profit Services at AcctTwo

About Tammy: 

Tammy Bunting has more than 25 years of experience in accounting, business administration, operations, and management. This includes work in both the secular and non-profit Christian environments. She’s been responsible for providing the controllership functions of all business environments at a multi-ministry church enterprise, and been a partner in a thriving Intacct value-added reseller business.

Tammy was raised and educated in the Christian church, and has a unique perspective into the world of non-profit and faith-based business administration and accounting.

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