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Put Online Giving in Your Church Announcements Every Week

Put Online Giving in Your Church Announcements Every Week

Does including your online giving option in your church announcements every week feel like too much?

Does it overemphasize giving? Will people feel like you’re shoving an obligation down their throats? Doesn’t everybody already know about this?

Consider these 3 reasons to always mention online giving in your church announcements:

1. It’s the First Time “SOMEONE” is hearing/seeing the message.

Brady Shearer from often says in his church announcement best practice videos that “It is always someone’s first time at your church.” (Source)

But when it comes to the message about online giving, this truth applies to more than just your first time visitors. For some people, announcements can be a time to check out mentally. They may perk up when something that seems more relevant comes across the screen. Or they may not…until one day they do!

This tendency is addressed by The Rule of 7. The Rule of 7 simply says that people sometimes have to hear or see a message (in different forms) at least 7 times before it registers. So, important messages should be repetitive and consistent. This very old marketing concept is, unfortunately, truer than ever in our very LOUD world.

Your announcements should always include guidance for what attendees can expect during the service. For newcomers (or those just tuning into the idea of giving to the church), it’s important to let people know HOW they can give if they wish to.

Your verbal or video announcement might:

  • Explain that guests aren’t expected to give when the offering plate comes around (if you still do that)
  • Point out giving boxes in the church
  • Show how to give online
  • Share any giving traditions or special occasions that may be occurring. This could include a challenge for ‘first Sunday’ giving or an upcoming full week of offerings dedicated to a charitable cause.

2. Giving is a Top Priority

Shearer also points out that church announcements should include “the big stuff.” His point is that effective church announcements can’t fit in every single thing happening in every single ministry that week. So you have to prioritize. That goes beyond what is newest or most “timely.”

Every single service the church offers to members and the community is financed through giver generosity, so giving is “big stuff.” Yet only 5% of churchgoers regularly tithe, which makes the topic even bigger and more pressing. Growing generosity and teaching stewardship are not easy in today’s world.

So it’s important to regularly offer the opportunity to engage with the church in this way. You never know when the Spirit will prompt someone to move with generosity. In fact, our data shows that text-to-give gifts posted during services due to the announcement reminder is trending almost in line with web gifts. People want to give, they just sometimes forget to do so!

The fact is, a brief church announcement mention of HOW to give is the least offensive way to mention giving at least once in every gathering. It’s not an ask. Nor is it a sermon or an obligation. Remember, it’s an opportunity.

3. Online Giving Benefits the Church

You may be thinking, “All of that is true for giving, but not necessarily for online giving.”

Here’s why we believe online giving deserves a place at the church announcement “table” each week.

While churches still accept cash and checks, the reality is that online giving provides benefits that make it preferable in many ways:

5 Benefits of Online Giving for Churches


Unlike an offering plate, givers must be told where to find your online giving page. A simple “You can give online at our website’s GIVING page or through our church app,” is all most people need. For live-streamed services, always include a link to your giving page. Consider also regularly including this link on other communiques, such as emails, newsletters, giving statements, social media, etc.

A comprehensive contributions and donor management solution like Vision2 means that offline gifts of cash and check fall under many of these benefits, as well.

Reach out today with your questions.

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