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Thought Leadership on Church Giving and Financial Stewardship

Leadership (4)

2 min read

Your Giving Data Knows Your Givers. Do you?

Churches have been collecting giving data on members and guests for years. But what are they doing with all that information?

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lego superman with red cape

3 min read

How Church I.T. Directors Can Be the Hero of Their Finance Team

You're a miracle-worker, but even you can’t solve the challenges of non-integrated solutions that can’t do what the team needs.

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2 min read

Catholic Giving Statistics: Getting to Know Catholic Givers

Are Catholic giving statistics the same as charitable giving to churches in general? How generous are these givers? Do they prefer online giving?

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2 min read

4 Ways an Executive Pastor Can Help Grow Giving

As churches approach the 1000-member mark, many begin to see the need for an Executive Pastor to help carry the load. And what a load it is!...

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female hand writing a letter

3 min read

How to Write a Church Fundraising Letter

Every church works hard to support and achieve their financial goals, and an annual fundraising letter can be a valuable part of the strategy. These...

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woman using credit card to give online

2 min read

Online Giving for Churches is a Must Have

Online giving is a broad category of digital giving that encompasses a variety of giving modes and channels, including:

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