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Thought Leadership on Church Giving and Financial Stewardship

Leadership (2)

2 min read

Measuring Stewardship: Thinking Beyond Giving Data (Part 1)

At Christian Stewardship Network’s 2024 Forum, Vision2 CTO and Co-Founder Carl Tierney co-presented on the topic of measuring to manage your...

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from taking changes to making deliberate change

2 min read

Managing Our Perceptions of Change

With so many stories of difficult technology platform migrations, it is hard to approach a change for your church without trepidation. The fear of...

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Woman pressing

1 min read

Upgrading Your Giving System: Why “LATER” isn’t Better

When Leonard Bernstein said, “To achieve great things, two things are needed: a PLAN and NOT QUITE ENOUGH TIME,” he was surely talking about churches...

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girl giving 5-star review on her phone

3 min read

The Best Ever Church Year-End Annual Report

Everybody is familiar with the annual church year-end report. These reports are usually full of stats and updates on various ministries and projects...

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droplets falling into deep blue water, with ripples spreading out

2 min read

How to Partner with Impact-driven Givers in 2024

Every giver wants to know they’re making an impact when they donate. But some givers take this desire to the next level...and beyond.

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2 min read

How Householding Helps Churches Understand Real Giving Patterns

Have you ever received multiple pieces of identical mail—addressed to different family members? That’s just one effect when householding, (a.k.a....

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1 min read

Paypal: A Top Church Giving Software?

“Top Online Giving Software” articles can provide an excellent starting point for giving software seekers. But how comprehensive and reliable are...

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beautiful stained glass scene of nativity

2 min read

Giving + Church Management For Catholic Infrastructures

Find out what's new for Catholic churches!

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woman with Bible listening to digital service on computer

1 min read

Digital Church Attendees: Don't Neglect This Growing Group

While we hear dire reports of more and more church closings and "autopsies," (Source) digital church and other trends are on the rise.

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large red word

1 min read

3 Giving Conversations Church Leadership Should Be Having

Leaders talk about financial matters all the time. But are you having conversations that affect your givers?

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