Church Giving and Stewardship Blog | Vision2

Giving System Maps to Church Accounting Software

Written by Gina Calvert | January 14, 2022

One of the most frustrating church back office tasks is transferring data to your church accounting software. 

With most giving platforms, it takes too many manual tasks. Many finance directors inherit an overly complex finance back-office using multiple software applications. Contribution management can be fraught with redundancies and inconsistencies, resulting in an immediate need to create efficiency.

The Vision2 Solution

When systems don’t speak the same (accounting) language, this can create inefficiencies that plague financial teams. You know the drill: Your ChMS or giving systems output giving data into a spreadsheet full of extensive transactional data. Then you have to the review and manually format the data to match your accounting system’s structure. Then you have to upload and post it to your accounting system.

But Vision2 cleanly maps giving data to your accounting system’s structure. Data flows automatically and accurately in without manual processes. Our unique subledger feature means that we handle all transactions in a deliberate, pure, auditable way, just like your accounting system does it. So your GL entries seamlessly match what is entered into your accounting system.


By creating a fully integrated system (Vision2, accounting and ChMS), churches can:

  • Reduce intake processing time by more than half.
  • Save tens of thousands of dollars by eliminating expensive third-party accounting teams and/or repurposing the responsibilities of employees.
  • Allow their finance person to refocus on strategy and stewardship, not simply contribution processing.

Other blogposts in this series: