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Top 2 Questions to Ask When Exploring Online Giving Church Solutions

Top 2 Questions to Ask When Exploring Online Giving Church Solutions

Navigating options for giving online church solutions is not easy. There are so many available platforms! From the outside looking in, it can feel impossible to compare apples to apples. And even if you could, software is inherently a mystery to the non-tech-savvy.

For example, you may not realize that technical terminology can mean different things depending on who you’re talking to. Giving forms across competitors may look similar, but be built in completely different ways. These disparities can result in vastly different experiences for givers and back office staff.

How do you know what’s important in a giving online church solution?

Start with these 2 questions when exploring giving online church solutions:

1. How does the giving online church solution serve your various users?

Your giving software will be used by:

  • Givers: Consider givers’ top demands for giving online, which include ease of giving, guest checkout, and ability to see the impact of their gifts.
  • Back office staff: Your finance team will have to deal with the challenges of reconciliation, processing both online and offline gifts, data integration with their accounting system and ChMS, and the support staff of the vendor you choose.
  • Church leaders: Pastors, Executive Pastors, Finance Directors, Communications Directors and IT Directors will play a role in the selection, implementation, oversight and management of the solution you choose, including monitoring giving trends through the program’s analytics feature.

Choose a giving solution designed for each stakeholder (and free your IT guy from any giving online challenges altogether).

2. What does “SIMPLE” mean?

When you say you’re looking for a simple giving online church solution, recognize that giving online is not simple. Instead, your goal should be to find a solution that handles the complexities behind the scenes in such a way that makes it simple for everyone involved on your end. The fact is, the simpler a solution claims to be, the more complicated it could be down the line.

To serve all your stakeholders, look for a comprehensive, end-to-end contributions and donor management solution with NO monthly fees. Comprehensive doesn’t mean expensive, it means the solution:

  • Covers everything you need at every step of the giving lifecycle. That includes some things you didn’t know you need, like audit tracking/internal controls to protect against errors and fraud.
  • Integrates seamlessly with your other systems, including accounting and ChMS.
  • Automates everything for you via a Managed Services team.

Bottom line: Streamlined complexity is how you get simple.

Learn More

We invite you to read our 9-part blog series How to Bring Your Church Back Office to the Future for insight on how Vision2 can help your church save both time and money, while still accelerating growth.

Vision2 is the only comprehensive contributions and donor management solution that streamlines the complexities of giving online for churches. Reach out to learn more today.

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